Food Again

I know what you are thinking.  Is really going to talk about food again, and baking.  Well, yes, yes I am.  Today was a great day.  Do you feel a sense of accomplishment when you can provide for your family in the way of food.  I got up early this morning as we had run out of eggs and ran down to the store before the rest of the family was up.  I had taken my sourdough starter out of the fridge last night and fed it so this morning I was excited to make sourdough pancakes for the family.

Let me tell you....yum, yum if I do say so myself.  I stopped at the local produce nice is that...and grabbed some blueberries and strawberries.  The pancakes were sourdough with blueberries, sausage links, scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, and of course some sliced strawberries and blueberries as well. 

Is it weird that I gain some of my self worth by cooking for the family.  I have to tell you, that when I cook, if I cook for the sake of cooking without the intent of the family thanking me, it is much better.  Do you know what I mean.  People that do things out of the goodness of their heart, but if you don't bend over backwards to thank them and tell them how great they are for doing "something out of the goodness of their heart" you are somehow a mean person.  Wouldn't you think if someone was really doing it out of the goodness of their heart truly, accolades, recognition, or any of the like would not be necessary? 

I baked some Walnut Bread knots.  They were intersting.  Actually quite tasty but it was with a standard commercial yeast.   I have to tell you, after working with the sourdough starter over the past couple of weeks, sure makes you want to thank the person who invented commercial yeast.

Made another nice loaf of sourdough bread today.  Had that with the family tonight.  Made some spaghetti with home made sauce and meatballs.  All in all, what a better way to spend a Sunday.  Family, baking, a bit of TV if you must know, and oh yeh, I got talked into making cookies tonight by one of my three year olds.

Tried a new recipe from King Arthur Flour that is suppose to be fool proof.  Apparently I am a fool, because it didn't have enough flour and I event weighed the ingredients so I put the exact right amount of flour in.  I am the fool because I knew the recipe was off and cooked a batch anyways.  Flat, mess.  Great taste though.  Tweaked the last batch by adding some more flour.  Don't know, but I may have a new go to chocolate chip recipe which says a lot.  I have tried lots and lots and lots and never found one that I liked as much as the simple Toll House Cookie recipe on the back of the chocolate chip bag....funny how and oldie can be such a goodie!

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