Off the Wagon

I can't really believe that my blogging endeavor has already been derailed.  Assuming that I didn't manage to make it through my first full week with a blog a day, is it really possible for me to make it an entire year?

Isn't that so much how the story goes.  We begin the new year or a new quest or a new whatever you want to call it with hopes, dreams, aspirations of creating amazing things or in my case on this venture, something as simple as a blog a day. 

At the beginning of this year I set many new years resolutions, but this year it is different.  I know, I know what you are already thinking, that is what people always say.  This year, yes, this year will be different. 

For me, it is a different year.  It's about taking 100% accountability in this new season of my life.  My goal was simple.  Be my word to myself.  And through that, it is an absolute must (Thanks Tony Robbins for that line) that I will be my word to all of those in my life and to my individual goals. 

Have you ever tried that on for size.  Be in integrity, being that which you say you are both inside and out.  I believe that is the general gist of the word integrity, being one or whole. 

I have mentioned the diet that I am doing, and it is such an interesting thing that happens about 8 pm every night. That is usually my time to play, or in this case eat, eat, and then eat some more.  At about that same time every night, my brain starts telling me I have a decision to make.  I believe that decision goes something like this, to Eat, or not to Eat, that is the question.

The truth is, it is still a question, because I haven't been working at this new choice in my life to make it a habit.  That is ultimately what it boils down to.  Until that thing you said you would do long after the mood you said it in is gone (Paraphrased from George Zaluki) becomes a habit, it is a choice. 

We've all been there where we work out, work out, work out, for 3 weeks and then life happens, and a day passes that we fall off the regime.  The next day comes along and then we work out, work out, work out, and the end of the following week we go on a family trip where we miss two days.  Most studies show that a habit is not formed until repetition of the habit is repeated without fail for a minimum of 28 days, i.e. a month.

Think about when you get out of the shower.  This one will make you think.  Do you dry yourself off the exact same way, same manner, and same speed every day.  Bet you will think about it tomorrow, but those simple acts have become such a part of who we are that it comes without thinking, there is no choice involved.  For true change to take place, we have to stay at something long enough where it no longer is a choice. 

Come on Kole, get this blog thing done!!!!

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