Big Bald Goes Bread

You may or may not be aware of the fact that I enjoy cooking a great deal.  Now, I can tell you that I am not able to cook as much as I might like to, but when I have an opportunity, I am always willing to try something new.

The interesting thing to note I find is that many people either bake or cook.  For most of us home novices, we probably take a stab at both of the broader genre's.  I have decided to begin baking bread again as in my late teens and early twenties I used to bake bread quite regularly.  The odd thing is, when you haven't been in the game for a while, you start to lose some of that "feel" that comes with experience.

Sourdough bread is what made me decide to jump back on the bandwagon.  A bit of nestalgia I suppose.  For my children, I have begun a sourdough starter, that if all goes well, I will continue to keep and feed weekly.  And one day, I would hope to pass that starter onto them.  It seems so interesting as I have researched the idea of just making a sourdough starter that there are people who have starters that are more than 200 years old.  My chemistry background would lead me to believe that there is still some small amount, no matter how miniscule of that original flour and water as you always add to the existing starter.  What life, what stories, and what history we can build around the table as family and friends come together for the feast of life. 

And so it is, a new chapter in the Mogel family history began today.  I'm excited, and like all goals keeping my eye on the big picture of what I am truly hoping to achieve, a family tradition, will keep me passionate about the weekly feeding of our new friend!

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