To Be or Not to Be

It is always interesting in the networking industry as to the abilities of representatives of all of the companies currently in operation to truly reach the top earning positions in the company.  I came across a very good list of statistics that pertain to a multitude of facets within the direct sales industry that come from a very credible source.  Now, as KayCee, my wife, and I have built our business over the last several years, one of the questions we get is on the statistics of people making money.

The significance of the question in most cases, in my opinion, is irrelevant as there are so many factors that go into ones actual ability to earn income in this industry.  The topic of that is for a future discussion, but I wanted to compare and contrast the statistics in the United States of the traditional worker or corporate job to the statistics on the networking industry.

The following information is from Jeffrey Babener and was originally published in the October 2009 issue of The Network Marketing Magazine.

 Hard Facts About a Growing Industry
§ Every week, more than 55,000 people in the United States alone sign up as network marketers - 150,000 per week worldwide.

§ In excess of 15 million people in the United States alone are distributors for network marketing companies; one in ten households have a direct seller.

§ Throughout the world, there are approximately 60 million network marketing distributors.

§ In the United States, sales in the network marketing industry are in the $30 billion range. Worldwide sales exceed $100 billion.

§ The world leader in network marketing is the U.S. with Japan in close pursuit in the $20 to $30 billion range. Countries with at east $1 billion in sales include the U.K., Brazil, Italy, Germany, France, Canada and Taiwan. Business is booming in the new frontiers as well: Eastern Europe, Russia and the People’s Republic of China. In fact, Amway is headed for billions of dollars in sales in China, a country only on the brink of formally allowing the reintroduction of network marketing.

§ Seventy-five percent of all network marketing distributors are women. Men account for 25 percent. (These numbers likely reflect the demographics of long-dominant companies like Avon and Mary Kay. Recent growth in the industry has been among newer companies that have a more even balance between male and
female distributors.

§ Approximately 80 percent of networkers are part-time and 20 percent full-time people who work 30 hours a week or more in their business. For the vast majority of networkers, it is a "second job," with the hope of $300 to $500 per month in auxiliary income.

§ About 3 percent of all networkers will make more than $35,000 a year; 2 percent will make more than $50,000; 0.5 percent will make more than $100,000 annually; and about 0.1 percent will
make more than $150,000.

§ About 13 percent of direct marketers are African-American; almost 5 percent are Latinos; 1 percent are Asians; and about 0.5 percent are native Americans.

§ Approximately 66 percent of distributors are between ages 25 and 44. Another 14 percent fall into the 45 to 54 age bracket. Seniors over the age of 65 account for about 5 percent of direct sellers.

§ About 8 percent of direct sellers have physical disabilities.

§ Over two-thirds of all network marketers have high school degrees or some college education, and 25 percent have a college degree or beyond.

Now, I want to give a few statistics that I pulled off of Wiki based on the US census information.
§ 6.24% of Americans earn an income of $100,000.00 or more per year.

§ Less than 1% of Americans make more than $300,000.00 per year.

§ The average income of all Americans is $32,140.00 per year.

§ The average income for a high school graduate is $26,505.00 per year.

§ The average income for Americans with some college is $31,054.00 per year.

§ The average income for a college graduate is $43,132.00 per year.

§ The average income for a masters graduate is $52, 390.00 per year.

§ The average income for an American with a Doctorate degree is $70,853.00 per year.

What do all of the stats mean.  For me, it means there is opportunity for anyone based on each persons individual work ethic.  When I look at the majority of the American population who will work out their entire life will never have a business or vehicle that allows them to earn much more than $30,000.00 per year. 

The statistics show that the majority of people (80%) in network marketing companies are working part time looking to generate an extra $300-$500 per month.  Based on my experience, this is a very simple process to accomplish, but it is even more simple not to accomplish.  End of the day, get to make it happen.

That is to say, the threshold of entry for most people in a networking business is so small--the effort put into the business is equally as small, and thus the result or I should say the lack of results that follows.  Any endeavor will ultimately be based on the input of the individual. 

I look at the average income for a PhD holder in the United states at just $70,853.00 per year.  While that is obviously a good wage, is it truly commensurate with the time commitment of education.  The average PhD spends 7-8 years in higher education to not have a six figure earning potential on average.  Crazy.

Lets contrast that to the networking industry.  The average PhD candidate is working a part time position or is on the faculty of their university teaching a few classes for those 7-8 years and making little money during that time.  If you compare that to a direct sales company, most people (80%) are building their networking business part time.  The majority of networkers are still earning their normal full time income and learning this industry as they go along.  Fortunately, in networking, the compensation plans allow us to earn as we learn as the popular saying goes.

My wife and I actually never had experience in the networking industry prior to the company we are currently affiliated with.  To be honest with you, in the beginning, we were a mess as we resisted the networking systems and tried to implement our traditional business background models.  It took us a few months to realize the beauty of this industry....people have had success before us, and if we just plug into what they taught us, we would be successful as well.

Again, perspective, people in this industry that stay diligent with their networking company for a minimum of 10 years (approximately 95% of people) will have reached the top position in their company.  Most top positions in networking companies are $500,000.00 or more per year. 

For my wife and I, our first full year with our current company (and only company) we generated a six figure income, and we have been able to teach others to do the exact same thing in much faster times than us.  Networking is a simple business, but it is a business.   Give it the respect it deserves and the sky is the limit.

Consider the majority of endeavors we take on in our lives.  I can think of several ideas over the past years that I  wanted to be successful at but didn't really commit the effort.  Guitar lessons, learning Spanish, getting back into shape, and the list goes on.  It wasn't that all of those things aren't possible...many people are successful each and every day, month, and year mastering all of the things I have quit at.  And in the end, I am a big boy and have the personal accountability and maturity to know that it was me that made that ultimate decision to one else.

What in the George Jetson

It is definitely interesting to see where and what is going on with technology these days.  For some of us, we might classify ourselves as technology geeks and for others we classify ourselves as having really cool gadgets.  On either side of the coin, technology has definitely evolved over the past 150 years. 

In April 1891, Alexander Graham Bell did actually record conceptual notes on an electrical radiophone, which discussed "....the possibility of seeing by electricity" using devices that employed tellurium or selenium imaging components.[11] Bell went on to later predict that: "...the day would come when the man at the telephone would be able to see the distant person to whom he was speaking."

File:Video telephony as imagined in 1910.jpgI had a great opportunity the other day to meet some great people that I work with all the way across the country.  I have to tell you, it is so exciting to not only talk to people that I work with these days, but I actually have the ability to meet them.  Tyrone and Bill are business partners of mine that live in New Jersey.  These days, I am living in the great Pacific Northwest and I literally plugged this new videophone into my router, dialed Tyrone's home number and boom, there they were.  I assisted them in chatting with a few people to help build their new business venture and was able to "work" the crowd 2500 miles away and 3 time zones away.  It reminds me of the Jetsons when Mr. Spacely would light poor George up on the massive jumbotron!  Crazy.

I had no idea the technological capabilities that seem to be popping up all around us.  All of these new 3G and 4G wireless networks that I keep hearing about apparently have the ability to support video calls as well.  The networks that can support this technology are called UMTS (to be honest, no clue what the heck that really means), but overseas, people today are using their very own cell phones to make these video phone calls.

Crazy, right.  Can you imagine what it would have been like growing up in the current age of this video phone thing?  I'm guessing that most of us at one time or another was somewhere other than where we told our parents we were at.  If you currently have teenagers, would it be nice to say, "Where are you at?" to one of your kids, and then follow that up with, "Show me!"

Pray for my children as you know they aren't getting anything by me!  And yes, I am delusional!

Melting via XXP

So, my wife has officially decided I am obese and it is time to start shedding the thin or not so thin layer of white nastiness just below my skin.  Now, obviously, she did not tell me that I was obese, and if my memory serves me right, she did not actually even indicate that I was gaining weight.  For me, I suppose it was the fact that my suits started feeling a little bit more snug about 4 months ago.  My initial thought was the darn dry cleaner actually did some of switcharoo and laundered the suits rather than dry clean, but alas, the suits that were still in my closet strangely were fitting me the same way.

So, the final straw was when my shirts also started to get a bit too tight in the chest.  Even more odd was my mental Olympics in attempting to rationalize how my shirts could possibly start fitting tighter.  It went something like this.

One (and the list is long) of the items on my New Years resolution list was to begin to get in shape.  So, January 1st, I started doing push ups every morning when I woke up.  At about this same time I realized my shirts were fitting a bit more snug than usual.  My rationalization was the massive amount of push ups (I started with 20 each day for the first week) I brought into my know the massive inflammation build up from destroying the muscle fibers.  But, alas, that was so far from the truth.  I got on the scale and realized I was at an all time high and the numbers smacked me straight across the face--262 big old El Bees.

Now you may be wondering about the melting about via XXP.  KayCee had utilized a weight loss protocol that benefits from HCG

From wiki HCG is
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced in pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo soon after conception.....

In essence, its a hormone that is produced by woman during pregnancy and can be detected in the urine.  YUCK!

Here is the long and the short of it.  She somehow managed to talk me into injecting myself with this mysterious HCG, reduce my calories to 500 a day for a period of 28 days.  The HCG is suppose to help protect your lean muscle mass and access your fat storage more efficiently.

Bottom line.  Is it working.  Started at 260.2 the first day of the low calorie diet.  I'm officially on my 12th day now.  Dropped 13.6 pounds so far and I actually am doing pretty good on the low calorie diet.  I'm surprisingly getting into it now.  I am actually seeing a weight around the corner I haven't seen since I worked at the Gold's Gym my brother owned.  So far so good and I will keep you posted.

Anyone else have any of these wacky diet plans, let me know and let me know how it goes!

The Big Bald Scary Guy

So, why The Big Bald Scary Guy you may ask?  I have to tell you that I came up with a self imposed name based on my size.  I don't truly believe that I am abnormally large, but perhaps based on my profession, it is somewhat difficult for people to not initially be a bit SCARED when they first meet me.  I am a networker by trade at this point, i.e. I talk to people.  Being a person of stature immediately puts some people on the defensive.  I attended a training on one occasion that may root this initial fear all the way back to the childhood rearing years.  That time when our parents said to us, "Beware of the scary looking people" or something along those lines.  Who knows where the seeds of the initial mistrust lies, but it is definitely there.

You may ask how I know this to be a fact in my life?  I quite literally have had people come to me after I have had multiple interactions with them (and consequently they find that I am in fact not scary, but rather charming if I do say so myself--btw, no one has ever told me I was charming, so that may be a lie) and they have decided I'm not such a bad guy after all, they say to me, "You really scared me when I first met you, but you know what, you really aren't that scary."  So, that leaves me to ponder another question.  What exactly does, " really aren't that scary," mean?  I suppose there must be some sort of internal rating system that comes about when someone evaluates the level of scary.

What might this rating system be....a cute little kitten is a 1 meaning it is the least scary thing on earth that actually is a living being and Freddy Krueger is a 10?  Where would I fall into that sort of rating criteria.  If you asked me, I am a solid 3.

So my question I pose for comments is, where do you think I fall into on this rating scale?

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