Bababig Time

I have the extreme fortune this week to spend time with so many friends.  Isn't it interesting as we pass through life we have people come and go in our lives.  It is so rare that in a normal job, that we are able to truly find the sorts of relationships that stand the test of time.  In my opinion, having the shared work experience is typically not a bond that lasts.  Most of this is largely due to this idea that we don't choose our coworkers.  When we have no light at the end of the tunnel, and we know our task is to do day after day at a job we may or may not like and to make the best of it, we are forced to make a decision to not only stay and do, but to also make the best of it.  That is to say, we may or may not truly enjoy the people we work with, and we may or may not ever choose to become friends with them in another set of circumstances, but 8 hours per day, day after day, we better make the right choice on that one.

With that thought, it leads me back to my original thought, that I get to spend the weekend with friends.  Through my current business, we come together based on a common future and not a common past.  We come together out of a desire to better our lives and those that are open for the ride.  We are 100% volunteer to the cause as no one has to stay and everyone gets the choice to quit everyday, because for most of us, we start out in the beginning strictly for the soul concept of committing to a cause for our lives.  For those that stick it out in our business, and truly see that the right kinds of people when given the choice and more importantly opportunity to find their ways into your life, friendships founded in integrity, mutual respect, and gratitude are fostered.  And from those fostered friendships, we begin to see that real relationships, real friendships, real businesses partners truly build on the concept of one plus one equals far more than two.  In fact the right group of people, whether big or small, simply require a greater cause than each individual person to create that which is bigger than themselves.  In a word, its fun, in another word, its gratifying, in another word, its humbling, in another word, its inspiring and so many other words said and not yet known as our journeys continue on.

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