Going for Broke at the Movies

The movies you say.  Never been a huge priority in my life, yet it is something that is a simple family outing that we can all enjoy together.  That being said,

"Have you seen these crazy prices lately?"

KayCee and I have upped our movie allotment quite extensively over the last year.  We have now gone to two movies this year as opposed to the 2 movies the prior 5 years of our married life.  I have to tell you, the last movie KayCee and I went to was at Cinetopia in Vancouver, WA which was nice.  You can order dinner and watch a movie all at the same time.  Big comfy leather chairs (you can actually order an adult beverage if you choose), ottomans to throw your feet up, you know, a great date night for an old married couple.

Lets talk about the outing the other night.  I have to tell you, it was very enjoyable and my commentary to follow should take nothing away from that.  The scenario, 4 kids, 2 adults, missed the matinee time, yet we really wanted to get the kids to a movie.  Not all of the "kid" movies play in the evening.  As we roll up to the theater, we thought, worst case, we will go to Alice in Wonderland, little adult for our kids, five, three, three, and two are the ages of our children.

So, worst case comes on board, the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland (in 3D no less), which as you may or may not know, a more dark version than the way I remember the book.  Where am I going with all of this you may ask, we stroll up to the ticket counter, 2 adults and roll off the ages of our children, and baboom......That will be $61.00.  Are you kidding me.  The family behind us with one child actually giggled a little bit when the ticket salesman said, "Because he is two, we normally charge, but I'll let it slide" and still it was $61.00.....that was with one of our cute kiddos getting in free.

Of course, whats a movie, with out the snacks.  Medium popcorn, bottle of water, nachos for Rhyan our oldest, and of course a box of those scrumptious cookie dough bites.  Another $21.75 on snacks, and the movie begins. 

I'm just wondering, if anyone knows the answer to this question....Is the movie theater business incredibly lucrative, or is the Hollywood industry so incredibly overinflated at what they believe their people to be valued at that in an attempt to have a nice family movie night, it now costs the average person a full days wages to attend? 

Of course, it is by choice that we partake in the experience, and as well, if people simply quit supporting the escalating fees, it would force a change and make it more affordable, but it isn't like we are creating world piece or solving health care reform here.....its simply a movie!

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