The Big Bald Scary Guy

So, why The Big Bald Scary Guy you may ask?  I have to tell you that I came up with a self imposed name based on my size.  I don't truly believe that I am abnormally large, but perhaps based on my profession, it is somewhat difficult for people to not initially be a bit SCARED when they first meet me.  I am a networker by trade at this point, i.e. I talk to people.  Being a person of stature immediately puts some people on the defensive.  I attended a training on one occasion that may root this initial fear all the way back to the childhood rearing years.  That time when our parents said to us, "Beware of the scary looking people" or something along those lines.  Who knows where the seeds of the initial mistrust lies, but it is definitely there.

You may ask how I know this to be a fact in my life?  I quite literally have had people come to me after I have had multiple interactions with them (and consequently they find that I am in fact not scary, but rather charming if I do say so myself--btw, no one has ever told me I was charming, so that may be a lie) and they have decided I'm not such a bad guy after all, they say to me, "You really scared me when I first met you, but you know what, you really aren't that scary."  So, that leaves me to ponder another question.  What exactly does, " really aren't that scary," mean?  I suppose there must be some sort of internal rating system that comes about when someone evaluates the level of scary.

What might this rating system be....a cute little kitten is a 1 meaning it is the least scary thing on earth that actually is a living being and Freddy Krueger is a 10?  Where would I fall into that sort of rating criteria.  If you asked me, I am a solid 3.

So my question I pose for comments is, where do you think I fall into on this rating scale?

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