Melting via XXP

So, my wife has officially decided I am obese and it is time to start shedding the thin or not so thin layer of white nastiness just below my skin.  Now, obviously, she did not tell me that I was obese, and if my memory serves me right, she did not actually even indicate that I was gaining weight.  For me, I suppose it was the fact that my suits started feeling a little bit more snug about 4 months ago.  My initial thought was the darn dry cleaner actually did some of switcharoo and laundered the suits rather than dry clean, but alas, the suits that were still in my closet strangely were fitting me the same way.

So, the final straw was when my shirts also started to get a bit too tight in the chest.  Even more odd was my mental Olympics in attempting to rationalize how my shirts could possibly start fitting tighter.  It went something like this.

One (and the list is long) of the items on my New Years resolution list was to begin to get in shape.  So, January 1st, I started doing push ups every morning when I woke up.  At about this same time I realized my shirts were fitting a bit more snug than usual.  My rationalization was the massive amount of push ups (I started with 20 each day for the first week) I brought into my know the massive inflammation build up from destroying the muscle fibers.  But, alas, that was so far from the truth.  I got on the scale and realized I was at an all time high and the numbers smacked me straight across the face--262 big old El Bees.

Now you may be wondering about the melting about via XXP.  KayCee had utilized a weight loss protocol that benefits from HCG

From wiki HCG is
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced in pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo soon after conception.....

In essence, its a hormone that is produced by woman during pregnancy and can be detected in the urine.  YUCK!

Here is the long and the short of it.  She somehow managed to talk me into injecting myself with this mysterious HCG, reduce my calories to 500 a day for a period of 28 days.  The HCG is suppose to help protect your lean muscle mass and access your fat storage more efficiently.

Bottom line.  Is it working.  Started at 260.2 the first day of the low calorie diet.  I'm officially on my 12th day now.  Dropped 13.6 pounds so far and I actually am doing pretty good on the low calorie diet.  I'm surprisingly getting into it now.  I am actually seeing a weight around the corner I haven't seen since I worked at the Gold's Gym my brother owned.  So far so good and I will keep you posted.

Anyone else have any of these wacky diet plans, let me know and let me know how it goes!

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