Paging Sybil

I got to wondering the other day how best to treat that little voice in your head.  If you are wondering what little voice I am referring to, its the one talking to you right now asking what I'm talking about!

That being said, in my opinion, most people allow that little voice to be a source of defeat rather than a source of inspiration.  When we embark on a new challenge, our voice starts talking to us based on previous life experience. 

"Why are you doing this AGAIN, you KNOW you can't make it work"
"You are to heavy right now, why don't you try again after you lose the weight"
"Its in your genes, your parents weren't successful, your uncles aren't, no one is, so why bother"

You get the point.  Whatever the words are in your head that are defeating you, you are in control of those words.  One good theory on dealing with that little voice is to take ownership of it and employ it as a partner in your goals.  Instead of stonewalling the voice and trying to ignore it, think of it as an overbearing mom or dad who at the end of the day, are overbearing because they love you. 

Utilize the same tactics with the inner voice as you might with your parents. 

"Mom, I appreciate you sharing, and I understand that you come from a space of love.  I will take your thoughts into advisement, but I get to live my life on my terms, and when I need your assistance on tasks you can assist with, I will consult you.  Just know, my big goals are mine, and mine alone, you can assist with the small goals; the editing, the punctuation, the grammar of my life."

Whatever yours words are, just say "Thank you, but I'm not listening" as paraphrased from a mentor of mine Domo Kovacevik.  Now, go out and make it happen!

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