It's No Big Deal

I can't tell you how many times I have heard about what I do now will have a dramatic impact on my children's future.   I heard Andy Andrews speak this weekend and it actually put that simple concept into a large scale frame. 

Every action and choice that each of us takes on a daily basis adds up to large scale situations as I have discussed in the past.  Have you ever considered the impact one of your choices can make?  Have you ever had a bad day, and took that out on someone else?  I know I have, I think it is a human reaction.  It is a controllable human reaction, yet I have done it many times.

What does that impact have on a large scale.  Think about it this way.  Someone cuts me off at an intersection.  I know it has happened to me before.  Of course, I throw out a few choice words, that the other driver visibly can see me seething through the front windshield.  The other driver takes that on as either a good or a bad situation.  I know I have taken on the guilt of cutting someone off, and allowed it to replay in my mind.  Of course, when it is bad enough, I call my wife and let her know about it.  And then she talks to her sister, and so on and so on. 

Do you get it?  Little inconsequential things move from person to person to person.  I suppose it is Newton's 1st Law:  Objects in motion tend to stay in motion (Inertia).  Our actions once put into motion tend to move out in all directions and impact and keep moving forward from person to person.  The butterfly effect.  What I do creates global change.  With the advent of the Internet and the viral affect of information, thoughts transfer around the world at the speed of light. 

Andy Andrews put a complicated issue into a thought provoking immediate actionable item for me.  Anyone who reads this blog has the responsibility to do the right thing, to be a good person, to forgive, to love, because everyone out there is passing your impact to this world.  And at some point in time, your actions will eventually transfer to my children, or what I do will transfer to your children and have a profound and direct impact on them, good or bad.  It is a choice.  What does Dr. Laura say?  Go do the right thing!

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