Tick Tock

It always amazes me when I look up at the clock and realize that the last hour that I have been working has really been 4 hours.  Does that ever happen to you?  The last few weeks have been quite hectic and a little out of balance, and I know that it is for the best as we are pushing ever closer towards our goals to enjoy a life style without limitations.

The last 2 weeks I have been very tardy on attending to my blog entries and as most people do, (I'm justifying this right now as I am no different than anyone else) I have dropped out on a new years resolution or at least a goal of mine to post every single day.  Its much like working out, I miss a day, and the next day I figure I will work out twice as hard to make up for the lost day, but pretty soon missing a day now and again becomes the new norm, and usually for me, some sort of event happens, I get sick, we go out of town, something that finally puts last nail in the coffin and I'm off the wagon.  Silly really.

With that being said, I'm recommitting once again, kind of doesn't hold the same weight, but its a commitment for me, whether anyone drops by to read my little rants or not, I know that all of the little commitments I make towards improving (blogging is communicating and communication is key) will pay dividends in the long run.

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